Lenten Evening Prayer: Springtime for the Soul 2020 begins this Sunday, March 1, at 4:30 p.m. and continues every Sunday of March in Our Lady of the Presentation Chapel, 1890 Randolph. This beautiful setting of Lenten Evening Prayer was composed by Rosie Romportl to a text written by Sister Joan Mitchell. The theme this year, rooted in the Lenten Gospels, is _transformation. On March 1st, j_oin storyteller Lou Anne Tighe and reflector Christine Treanor as they lead us into a desert retreat with Jesus. The following dates are with the themes and persons giving the reflections: 3/8: Revelation by Sandy Dodson; 3/15: Conversion by Sharon Howell CSJ; 3/22: A New Way Of Seeing by Eric Celeste; 3/29: Compassion by Andrea Pierson Tande
All are welcome.
Posted on Saturday, 29 February 2020 at 10:42 am and filed under Uncategorized.