Mondays, December 2, 9, 16, and 23, 10:00 – 11:00 am1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul
Lectio Divina or Sacred Reading is the slow, repetitive reading of a sacred text that leads one to the ultimate step of resting in God. It is not Scripture study, nor is it spiritual reading. It is an invitation to take a “long, loving look at Scripture,” says spiritual director Teresa Blythe. “It is a time for falling in love with the Word and experiencing the goodness of God.
”This four-step process for being with Scripture in a prayerful manner includes: Reading (Lectio); Meditating (Meditatio); Praying (Oratio); and Contemplating (Contemplatio). Using texts for Advent, you will experience this ancient prayer form in a group setting, though it is easily adapted to individual practice and can be incorporated into your prayer life.
For our Advent prayer, we will use excerpts from the Gospel of Thomas, made up of 114 sayings of Jesus.
Facilitated by Pat Jones.