Generous Promises
Come on Monday, February 10 at 5:30 for a potluck supper followed by Cathy Steffens’ presentation on Generous Promises. We will learn about the earliest Sisters and how they would start each year making a promise to have a focus for the year. This opportunity is a very special retreat evening. If you can come, RSVP to this email or to Kathy’s phone 651-699-1161. So far we have chicken soup, salad, and dessert. We will meet at Peggy and Ed’s at 677 Wilder. Our plan is to end by 8:30.
Eleventh Day Prayer for Peace
Eleventh Day Prayer for Peace at our Lady of the Presentation Chapel (1890 Randolph) is Tuesday Feb. 11th at 6:30 – 7:15.
2013 Bioneers plenary speech
An Evening with Northland Bioneers, Earth Partners, and the Native American Awareness Working Group of the Justice Commission of the Sisters of St. Joseph and Consociates, St. Paul Province.
Tuesday, February 25, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul
Cost: Free
An exciting evening of film and discussion with Earth Partners and Bioneers. We will hear the 2013 Bioneers plenary speech of Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network. We will discuss how we might become effective allies of the Minnesota Indigenous community as they work to address environmental and economic justice issues and build capacity to protect
the sacred land, water, air and ecosystems on which the entire Circle of Life depends. There will be refreshments, door prizes, and a warm welcome.
Bioneers is an innovative nonprofit educational organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet.
Seeing God: A Juried Exhibit of Sacred Art
Of interest to you may be “Seeing God: A Juried Exhibit of Sacred Art” at St. Paul’s Monastery in Maplewood, Minnesota. It begins January 29 and runs through March 1. More info is available at Baya Clare’s website.
Breaking The Impasse V
Join us for “Call for Action to Eliminate Poverty”, featuring Simone Campbell, SSS (Executive Director, NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby) and Nancy Maeker (Executive Director, A Minnesota Without Poverty).
Tuesday, February 18, 7-9 p.m.
Coeur de Catherine Ballroom, St. Catherine University, St. Paul
Free and open to the public
Saint Paul Interfaith Network (SPIN) offerings
Here are The Saint Paul Interfaith Network (SPIN) offerings for this month.
February 6: SPIN holds its first midweek forum for 2014 on Pope Francis’ exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel,” on Thursday, February 6, Noon to 2:00 pm, at the Saint Paul Area Council of Churches, 1671 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul 55105. Fr. Erich Rutten, Rev. Grant Abbott, Dr. Jan Phillips, and Joyce Zahra Slaughter will respond, followed by small group and large group discussion. Come early and bring a sack lunch. Look here for further news of SPIN’s Midweek Forums.
February 10: Sponsored by Jay Phillips Center: “In Quest of the Jewish Mary”, Lecture by Sister M. Christine Athans, BVM, Ph.D.,Monday, February 10, 7:30 – 8:45 PM, Anderson Student Center, University of St. Thomas. Free and open to the public.
February 16: Sponsored by Or Emet: “What’s All the Fuss about the Bible” with Allan Malkis, presenter from Or Emet, Sunday, February 16, 1:00 – 2:30 PM. Saint Paul Jewish Community Center, 1379 St Paul Avenue, Saint Paul 55116. Its about the Hebrew Scriptures from a humanistic perspective: requiring us to think about its origin as a human creation from a particular time, place, and social setting.
February 19: Sponsored by the Jay Phillips Center, the Depts of Sociology, and Justice and Peace Studies at the University of St Thomas: Film screening of “If I Give My Soul: Pentecostalism in the Prisons of Rio“and interfaith conversation with Andrew Johnson and local prison chaplains. Wednesday, February 19, 7:00 PM, Anderson Student Center, University of St. Thomas. Free and open to the public.
February 20: Sponsored by United Theological Seminary: a chapel and lunch occasion celebrating an exhibition (from January 29 to March 31) of art at the seminary. “Kabalah and Creation: An Exhibition of the Jewish Women Artists’ Circle.” Thursday, February 20, Chapel, 11:35 AM, Lunch and discussion with the artists: 12:15 PM. RSVP: [email protected], or 651-255-6138. Also an Artists’ Reception on February 27, 5:00-7:00 PM.